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Friday, 13 January 2012

Jan 13th

Happy Friday!!!

This week we have been looking at media.  Your homework for today is to choose a media text (commercial, print Ad, poster, book, movie, song, blog etc), view it and critically evaluate it. Everyone should have the Focus on MEDIA handout, review the handout and use the questions to evaluate the text.  Your answers to the questions can be jot notes or full answers.  I am looking for ability to think critically about a piece of media.  This will be due on MONDAY.  When you have in your homework on Monday please include you piece of media (if it is a commerical please include the full name of the commerical so that I can locate it on Youtube).

We will be starting our logo assignment next week, please make sure you also bring in a variety of logos (logos that you like and logos that you don't like - I am not interested in if you like the product or not BUT if you like the logo or not).

Ms B.