What makes the text Queen of the Jungle a descriptive text?
The text Queen of the Jungle is an example of a descriptive text. A descriptive text follows a specific set of guidelines. It should paint a vivid picture. The text Queen of the Jungle fits the criteria and uses a variety of adjective and adverbs, and therefore it is a descriptive text. More specifically the text Queen of the Jungle has a focused topic, an engaging lead, varied sentence structure, stylistic language and a powerful conclusion.
Focused Topic: The topic of the text Queen of the Jungle is a day in the life of a tiger. The text starts off with the tiger waking up, then follows her through hunting and feeding, and ending with a sense of accomplishment as she again falls confidently asleep.
An Engaging Lead: The text takes us on a bit of a trip - the text is written in the first person, but we do not know who "I" am. I think this makes an engaging lead, because it makes the reader want to keep reading in order to find out who or what "I" am.
Varied Sentence Structure: There are a variety of simple and more complex sentences. Varying the sentence structure helps to keep the reader engaged in the text.
Simple: I become invisible as my sharp instincts take over.
Complex: Filled with bloodlust, I bare my sharp, pointy teeth and lunge for the antelopes' exposed neck.
Stylistic Language: A variety of adjective and adverbs are located in the text (succulent, yellow rays, gurgle, crunch, sharp, etc.). The use of these descriptive words helps to paint a picture for the reader. As we saw when we took out the descriptive language, it was harder to picture exactly what the tiger was doing.
Powerful Conclusion: Having the text end off with the line "…knowing that no one will dare disturb such a vicious predator as me" leaves the reader with a sense of power. The reader has a sense of power because the text is told through the eyes of a tiger and therefore we are left with the same feeling as the tiger has, a sense of control and a confidence that we are at the top of the food chain. This makes for a very powerful conclusion.
In conclusion the text Queen of the Jungle is considered a descriptive text, because not only does it paint an image for the reader, but it also meets the criteria of a descriptive text as stated in class.