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Monday, 25 June 2012

June 25

It has been a very successful year, and even thought the students are excited about summer I hope they will take some time to look back on everything they have accomplished.

This week will be a very busy one.  In addition to the assemblies and fun activities planned, the students will have an opportunity to play some language games and reflect on the year and what they have learned.  The student will not have any official English homework; however, if we start something in class and they would like to take it home to finish that is their choice.

I am in the process of cleaning up my classroom for the summer.  If students could please take one last look around for any books from the classroom library I would appreciate it.


Ms. B

Monday, 18 June 2012

Junw 18th

Students should be working on their PSAs.  We will have one more period in the computer lab tomorrow (Tuesday) and then presentations will start on Wednesday.

As the end of year clean up is starting, please take a look around your homes for the classroom library books.  If you find any book please return them ASAP!!


Friday, 15 June 2012

June 15th, 2012

Students have been thinking about and planning out a PSA.  Today we talked about deadlines.  As a class we decided that Wednesday June 20th would be a feasible due date.  The students will have one more computer lab period on Tuesday.

Make sure you come with work to do on Monday for your PSA.  If you are not ready to work I will have a back up assignment.

Ms. B

Thursday, 7 June 2012

June 7th

Check out the TO DO LIST page, make sure you get the work all done. 

Please have the plan chart for Monday.

Enjoy your PD Day!!!

Ms. B

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

June 6th

Couple of items need to come in tomorrow. 

1) If your essay has still not been handed in; it is late, please make sure it is in tomorrow. 

2) Hope Blossoms in Burma - this will be evaluated as a reading mark!

3) PSA evaluation - this is a media mark.

This Friday is a PD day, I will be writing your report cards.......please get your work in so that I can have the most up marks from which to write your report cards.

Ms. B

Monday, 4 June 2012

June 4th

I am still missing 4 essays, please have them in tomorrow.  In addition to the essays I am missing many of the Burma article reviews.  This is being evaluated as a reading mark and will go on your report card.  Please make sure you get them done (and done well) for tomorrow.

Ms. B :(

Saturday, 2 June 2012

June 2nd

I spent my Saturday marking essays....but I am missing 6.  I really hope they come in on Monday.

Ms. B

Friday, 1 June 2012

June 1st

Students should have handed in their essays today, if not please make sure they are in on Monday.

Today the students read an article on Burma and had questions to fill out.  This will be a reading mark.  Students should finish this article review for Monday.

Ms. B

Thursday, 31 May 2012

May 31st

Make sure that you are ready to hand in your essay tomorrow.  All printing and organzing must be done before class.  I will be in my class at recess, that would be a great to print anything that needs to be printed.

Ms. B

Monday, 28 May 2012

MAY 28th

Tomorrow we start "The Great Debate" assignment.  Students should be ready to debate their chosen topic any day this week.  I would like to remind students that debate has rules and therefore you should review your notes.  Also, practise your speeches!! Do not get up in front of the class and fumble because you have not practised your debate.

Essays are due Friday June 1st.  I would be happy to read and review essays however I need time to do so.  If you would like me to review your essay I need the document no later then Wednesday.

Ms. B

Friday, 25 May 2012

May 25th, 2012

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.....That being said, don't forget about you essay and debate.

Here are the deadlines....

Debates will be in class on May 29th, 30th, 31st and June 1st.

Persuasive essays (using the same research as the debate) are due on June 1st.

We have one more computer lab period. If you have any questions please let me know.

Ms. B

Thursday, 24 May 2012

May 24th

This week we have been in the computer lab working on the debates.  Students should be wrapping up their research and starting the debate outlines.  Please remember that you are submitting a persuasive essay based on the research for the debate.

Debates will be taking place in class on May 29th, 30th, 31st and June 1st.  Essays will be due on June 1st.  Don't forget to include a bibliography with your cited resources.

Any questions, come see me.

Ms. B

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

May 22nd

I hope EF7A had a wonderful time on their trip today; I look forward to stories tomorrow. 

Please continue to work on your debate.  We are in the computer lab tomorrow and students will have class time this week.


Debates will be taking place in class on MAY 29, 30, 31 and June 1st. 

Persuasive Essays are due on June 1st.

Ms. B

Friday, 18 May 2012

May 18th

KEEP working on your debate.  The due dates are set (the class set the dates).  We will have computer lab session next week, BUT if you only work at school you will  find that you are not ready.

Ms. B

Thursday, 17 May 2012

May 17th

Students have been working away on their Debate research.  Today we were in the classroom planning the debates. Also, students took home the marked assignments today.  I am happy to discuss any assignments with any students tomorrow during recess. 

For tomorrow ALL debate groups will have to show me a plan for their debate before I let them on the computers.

Due Dates:
Debates will take place in class on May 29th, 30th, 31st and June 1st.

Essays (this is an independent component) are due June 1st.

Any questions, come see me

Ms. B

Monday, 14 May 2012

May 14th

Today the students signed up for the debate.  The debate will take place in partners.  I suggest that the students review their notes on debate as well as the video I showed in class.  The video is a youtube video, I recommend the Breck Elementary 4th grade debate part 1 and 2 (part 3 and 4 are also OK, but the teams are debating the same issue as in part 1 and 2).  These are the only video I showed the class and therefore the videos I have watch and OK, anything else the students watch on youtube they have done on their own. 
I also recommend that they review the assignments and the rubric again.  I went over the assignment last week but the students should get in the habit of going back to ensure they are on the right track.

In class today the student also had a shared reading on citing resource, as promised I have placed that resource on the blog.  If students would like to print it out they may, but it is on the Blog to refer back to when completing the persuasive essay component.

As always if there are any question students should come see me ASAP.


Ms. B

Thursday, 10 May 2012

May 10th

We have been discussing Debate in class.  Students should have notes from a power point presentation, they have viewed a video example and we have discussed the assignment.  I have uploaded a copy of the assignment to the blog (its in the pages section to the right hand side).  If you loose any of the assignment sheets you can access them here. Any questions about the assignment students should come speak with me.

These are the resolution statements that the students came up with today. Students NEED to understand that just because you debate a topic for English class does not mean anything at Fielding will change.

~School dress code should be updated with the times
~Canada should have a Monarchy
~Cats are better pets then dogs
~Fighting should be banned from hockey
~Fielding should have school uniforms
~Students should be allowed to use Ipod during independent work times
~Students should not have homework
~Playing a musical instrument should be optional
~Girls should be allowed to join boys school teams
~There should be a female national hockey league (it should have as much publicity as the NHL)
~Math should always be taught in English for EFI students
~Quebec should be its own country
~Video games should be banned
~Animals should not be in zoo's for people amusement
~Should dogs be allowed in restaurants and other indoor public places.

Tomorrow we miss English for the "Are you smarter then a Math Teacher" activity.  For Monday please make sure you have your top 3 choices and a partner in mind.

I AM STILL MISSING WORK :( please get in all missing work ASAP

Ms. B

Monday, 7 May 2012

May 7th

Thank you for all of the wonderful birthday wishes.

Today we had a bit of a catch up day.  So many students were missing because of Music Monday and others were behind on work.

Students should make sure that they have completed their article review "Protecting our Food" and their Giver assignments (these Giver assignments are VERY late).  Students should also be ready to discuss the 4 corner activity from Friday.  By "being ready" I meant the students should have completed the reflection on year round school and be ready to discuss it tomorrow. 

Any questions, come see me at recess.

Ms. B

Thursday, 3 May 2012

May 3rd

In addition to the Giver assignments students should ensure that the article review is complete. 

The students in EF7A read an article entitled "Protecting the future of our food" and had 2 questions to complete.  Remember I am looking for grade 7 quality answers (i.e. complete sentences, correct spelling, explanation of your ideas, and support for the statements you make). 

The article review was due yesterday, many students did not hand it in, please make sure it is in by Friday.

Ms. B

Monday, 30 April 2012

April 30th

I wanted today to be the final presentation day for Giver assignments, unfortunately not everyone was ready.  If you are not finished your assignment you need to come see me ASAP.  I will stop accepting Giver assignments on MAY 7th.  At this point you will be given an R and you will be phoning your parents to tell them.

Ms. B

Monday, 23 April 2012

April 23rd

Today we took a break from Final project presentation to write the CASI. 

We will be continuing with the presentations later this week (we will FINISH CASI tomorrow).  Please make sure you are ready to present.

Also, anyone who has not handed in PART 3 please make sure it is handed in this week.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

April 19th

Final assignments for The Giver were due yesterday and PART 3 was due last Friday.  I am missing assignments from students!!!!  Please make sure you are getting those assignments in.

We will be presenting Final assignments this week.

Ms. B

Monday, 16 April 2012

April 16th

Students in EF7A should have handed in the Part 3 questions for the Giver last Friday.  All outstanding assignments are now considered LATE. 

Students should be now working on their Final two assignments. Final assignments are due on Wednesday April 18th. Today EF7A had a double period in the computer lab to finish any of the written work.  Tomorrow students should start bringing the components of their assignments, anything that requires cutting and gluing or colouring.  You will have NO time to work/put final touches on your assignment on Wednesday; this means, no printing, no stapling, no organizing of papers etc.  We will be using the sticks to draw names on Thursday which mean, all students need to be ready to start presentation on Thursday.  If your presentation requires the use of technology please come see me ASAP. 

The students in EF7A are going to an assembly during period 6 on Wednesday, however your assignment is still due, you will need to hand in your assignment before we go to the assembly.

Have a great evening :)

Ms. B

Friday, 13 April 2012

April 13th

Happy Friday!!!

To those 11 students who handed in their part 3 assignment today.  Well done and thank you :)  To other students I would like the assignments either emailed in to me this weekend OR handed in first thing Monday morning. 

Final assignments are due Wednesday April 18th!! Make sure you read over the description of your assignments as well as review the rubrics.  You can find a copy of the description on the assignments on the blog but the rubrics would not attach.  If you have misplaced your rubrics please come see me at recess (i.e. before English class) to get another copy.

Have a great weekend.

Ms. B

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

April 11th

DAY OF PINK!!!!  Good Job Guys :) I was really proud to see so many students wearing pink.

Great job in the computer lab working today.  Since today was such a productive period and you have a lot due in the next couple of are your new due dates.

PART 3 is due Friday April 13th

Final Assignments are due Wednesday April 18th

Ms. B

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

April 10th

Students should be working on Part 3 of the Giver.  This section is independent however, I would be happy to discuss the book with anyone at recess.  Part 3 is due on Thursday, April 12th.

Students should also be thinking about and working on their Final Projects.  I had asked students to choose the two projects for today BUT not everyone was ready.  Please select your projects and come see me so that I may photocopy the rubrics for you.

Final projects are due Monday April 16th.

Reminder:  Tomorrow (April 11th) is the day of pink.  Students are encouraged to wear pink to stand up to bullying.  I will be wearing pink and I hope to see lots of students wearing pink as well.


Wednesday, 4 April 2012

April 4th

PART 2 for the Giver is due tomorrow :)

Ms. B

Thursday, 29 March 2012

March 28th

Part one was due today.  I do not have every ones assignment.  Please make sure you bring me your assignment tomorrow if you did not hand it in today.

Ms. B

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

March 28th

Part 1 of the Giver is due tomorrow!!!!!

Ms. B

P.S. Friday is twin day

Monday, 26 March 2012

March 26th

Happy Monday!

Part 1 of the giver is due on Thursday.  This includes the reading and the questions.  Since I am giving you class time I expect all assignments in on time.

Any questions come see me.

Ms B.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

March 22nd

Today we finished reading chapters 1 and 2.  I would suggest the students reread these chapters to ensure they have a full understanding of them.  I hope to complete chapter 3 and 4 tomorrow.

Ms. B

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

March 21st

Today you received your novels and the details of the novel study.  We read together the first couple of pages.  We will continue to read tomorrow.  Think about the "community" what is different about their "community" and the way we live our lives today.  Do you find it strange?

Be ready to talk about it tomorrow.

Ms. B

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

March 20th

Those students who did not take notes during the literary elements power point should print off the slides.

Tomorrow I will hand out the novel study books and information.

Ms. B

Monday, 19 March 2012

March 19th


I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing March Break.  We are now back to school and ready to start again.

We are heading into our Novel Study and in preparation today we started to look at a power point presentation.  I did not create the power point, but found the resource online.  If you would like to print off your own copy of the power point you may find it at  We will continue to look at this and take notes tomorrow.

Your homework tonight is to read a book of your own choosing.

Ms. B

Friday, 9 March 2012

March 9th

Have a FANTASTIC March Break!!  Be safe, get a lot of rest. 

You have no homework, however, I do hope you spend some of your time reading.

Also, if you could take a couple of mins to look around your houses for my books I would really appreciate it.

Ms. B

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

March 7th

FANTASTIC job at the History Fair.  From what I heard everyone did a great job.

Make sure that your inferring worksheet is done for tomorrow.  We will take it up and then you will have your quiz.

Ms. B

Friday, 2 March 2012

March 2nd

If I do not have your assignment it is LATE!!!!!  Please make sure your descriptive writing assignment is in on Monday (I am still missing 3).

We will continue working on inferring skills next week.

Ms. B

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Feb 29th

If you have not handed in your descriptive text - It is LATE!!!!

Perseverance poster are due tomorrow

Look at the picture Something Under the Rug from "The Mysteries of Harris Burdick" by Chris Van Allsburg.  Brainstorm a list of everything you see in the picture.  Tomorrow as a class we will fill out the what I see/What I think chart in class.  We will then infer was to what might be under the rug.

Ms. B

Friday, 24 February 2012

Feb 24th

Your descriptive writing assignment is due MONDAY (Feb 27th).  Please have the assignment ready to go at the beginning of class.  If you need to print off anything make sure you come at recess. 

Character Education posters are due Thursday.  This is a media mark and should be taken seriously.  You are grade 7 students the quality of the work should reflect that.  You will have one more period to work in class and then we are moving on.

Have a great weekend.

Ms. B

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Feb 22nd

Rough draft of your multi-paragraph description is due tomorrow.  I gave you a period today to work on it, some students worked very hard others did not.  I will be VERY disappointed if there are students without work to edit tomorrow.

Ms. B

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Feb 21st

This week we are working on the descriptive writing assignment, students if you are not sure what I am talking about come and see me.

Your rough draft is due on Thursday.  During Thursdays class I would like to give you the opportunity to peer edit.

Good Copies are due on Monday (Feb 27th).

Ms. B

Thursday, 16 February 2012


Happy LONG weekend.

This weekend you should be thinking about your descriptive writing assignment.  You will have some time in class but the amount of time will be directly linked to the effort you put in. 

Rough Draft is due on Thursday Feb 23rd.

Ms. B

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Feb 15th

Today students finished up their quizzes.

Students should be thinking about their assignments.  I will answer any questions about the assignment tomorrow, as a class we will also agree on a deadline for the rough draft and good copy.  I would like to finish this unit next week, so keep that in mind.


Ms. B

Monday, 13 February 2012

Feb 13th

Today the students started their descriptive text quiz. Many students need a couple of minutes to finish up their quizzes, they will have this time on Wednesday.  I will have the quizzes marked as soon as possible and return them to the students. 

Students in EF7A can be working on their plans and ideas for the descriptive writing assignment.  We will review the assignment and discuss ideas in more concert terms on Wednesday, as tomorrow the students have their Valentines Day dance.  Students will be given time in class to work on their assignments, provided the time is used effectively.

Ms. B

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Feb 9th

Monday: you will have a quiz on descriptive texts.  You will be asked to read a variety of texts written by grade 7 students.  You will rank order them most descriptive to least descriptive and then you will explain to me why you selected your top choice as the most descriptive.  Finally, whichever text you choose as the least descriptive you will add description to.

This isn't a quiz you can study for but you can prepare for it.  Take a look at the criteria of a descriptive text, the sample descriptive texts I gave you as well as my sample answer to Why is Queen of the Jungle considered a descriptive text.

OVER DUE: Many students have not handed in their descriptive text selection and explanation.  This is now late.

Ms. B

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Feb 8th

Many students still need to hand in their descriptive paragraph justification. 

Monster description is due tomorrow.  An assignment is coming, the writing lessons and the Monster activity is practice before the assingment.

Ms. B

Monday, 6 February 2012

Feb 6th

Descriptive text challenge was due today, you were to find a descriptive paragraph and justify why it is descriptive.  If you did not get it in make sure it is handed in tomorrow.

Monster:  Descriptive Paragraph

We are practising writing descriptive paragraphs (an assignment will be coming soon - this is the practise session).  Think up a monster of your own creation, it can be anything you want (mean or nice monster).  You are to write a descriptive passage that shows your reader what the monster looks like (take a look at the show, don't tell lesson).  Come to tomorrows class with a plan for you monster, you will have time in class tomorrow to work on your description.  We are going to test our descriptions, no leaking out details.

Ms. B

Friday, 3 February 2012

Feb 3rd

For Monday: Find a descriptive text and use the criteria in your notes to justify why the text is descriptive.  Use my example of an answer (its posted on this blog for those who did not copy it down) to write your answer. 

I will be looking for:
*can you choose a descriptive text
*can you use the criteria to justify that the text is descriptive
*spelling and grammar (it is an English class after all)
*that the assignment is completed on time (you have known about this assignment for a while - check the blog its on it)

See you Monday, have a great weekend.

Ms. B

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Feb 1st

Today we looked at picture, built a list of descriptive words and used those words to write descriptive paragraphs.  We will continue with this tomorrow.  I would like everyone to compile a collection of descriptive paragraphs they have written so that we may work with them.

DUE MONDAY: you need to find a descriptive passage and write an answer to the question what makes this passage descriptive.  Use the criteria from your notes to justify the passage as descriptive. This will be a marked assignment.

Ms. B

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Jan 31st

In today's class we were responding to descriptive texts.  We have looked at a text as a class, I have shown you how I would justify a text and you have worked with partners.

Now its your turn, for MONDAY, you need to find a descriptive text and justify to me why it is descriptive.  I will be marking this; I will be looking to see if you can determine what is and what is not descriptive as well as justify (using the criteria) if a text is descriptive.  I am your English teacher, so I will also be looking at spelling and grammar.

(in addition to your answer you must bring in a copy of the text - anyone who needs me to photocopy part of a text needs to see me at recess)

Ms. B

P.S. scholastic is due tomorrow.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Jan 30th

I am still missing some media projects.  I need them ASAP!!!!!

Since we have now finished our media unit, we are turning our attention to reading and writing descriptive texts.  The focus of this week will be on identifying what is a descriptive text and reading a variety of texts to determine if they are descriptive or not. You will need to be able to justify whether or not a text is descriptive - I will go over this with in class. Then we will then work on how to make you writing more descriptive.

For homework: Read the text Queen of the Jungle again and answer the question; what makes this a descriptive text?  This should be easy since you took a note on the criteria of a descriptive text, we read the text together and discussed it.  This is due tomorrow.

Ms. B

P.S. its Winter Fun day tomorrow, make sure you are ready to be outside for an extended period of time. :)

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Jan 24th


We are going to present your business in class tomorrow, be ready to go.

Ms. Barrett

Monday, 23 January 2012

Jan 23rd

Happy Monday,

Your media assignment (the logo assignment) is due on Wednesday Jan 25.  We will have tomorrows class (a double period) to work on the assignment provided that we are working on the assignment.  If the students are not working then I will give you something else to work on.


Ms. B

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Jan 18th

Today we reviewed the Logo assignment.  The due date is Wednesday Jan 25th, that is one week from today. 

You will need to hand in
* 10 Logos you like and 10 Logos you dislike (with an explanation as to why you like them or dislike them)
* your business outline
* The sketches of you logo (6 of them - try different colours and fonts).
*your answer to the question: why did you choose the logo you are going to use.
*a good copy of your logo
*an advertising tool that showcases your logo

Any questions come see me.

The following assignments are LATE: PLEASE HAVE THEM IN TOMORROW
*2011/2012 GOALS
*critical examination of a piece of media.

Ms. B

Monday, 16 January 2012

Jan 16th

Not everyone handed in their media evaluation, to those who did THANK YOU!!!!!  To those who did not, please have it in this week.

For homework today, complete step one of the logo assignment.  You need to find 10 logos you like and 10 logos you dislike.  Print them out or cut them from a magazine and paste them to the logo handout.  Don't forget to draw conclusions about why you like or dislike the logo. Think about colour, colour contrast, fonts, images ect.  We will talk about this tomorrow, and create a class list.

Hint: I am asking why you like the logo, it has nothing to do with the product. 

Ms. B

Friday, 13 January 2012

Jan 13th

Happy Friday!!!

This week we have been looking at media.  Your homework for today is to choose a media text (commercial, print Ad, poster, book, movie, song, blog etc), view it and critically evaluate it. Everyone should have the Focus on MEDIA handout, review the handout and use the questions to evaluate the text.  Your answers to the questions can be jot notes or full answers.  I am looking for ability to think critically about a piece of media.  This will be due on MONDAY.  When you have in your homework on Monday please include you piece of media (if it is a commerical please include the full name of the commerical so that I can locate it on Youtube).

We will be starting our logo assignment next week, please make sure you also bring in a variety of logos (logos that you like and logos that you don't like - I am not interested in if you like the product or not BUT if you like the logo or not).

Ms B.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Jan 9th


We started the year off with a reflection and goal setting activity.  You should have a sheet of paper with 2011 printed on one side and 2012 printed on the other.  You are to write accomplishments (things you are proud of) on the 2011 side and goals for this new year on the 2012 side.  Make sure you think of a combination of school and personal accomplishments/goals and fill in each letter.  Once you are done you should colour it in. 

This is due tomorrow.

We are also moving on to our media unit on Logos and their importance in advertising.  This unit will keep us busy for the next couple of weeks. Over the course of this unit we will be looking at logos, and one place you can often find logos are in magazines.  If anyone has any magazines they are looking to get rid of (and you don’t mind them being cut up) donations are always welcome.