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Term 2 newsletter


In English students will follow the curriculum based on the balanced literacy framework, which uses an integrated approach to teaching language arts. 

This term, students will start off by reading and writing descriptive texts. Students will read and justify a text as descriptive based on an agreed upon list of criteria.  The students will then write their own descriptive texts, either choosing to describe a setting or character.  The students will also review their inferring skills by reading a variety of texts.  This term the students will also take part in a novel study; as part of the novel study we will be reading and answering questions, having classroom discussions and finishing with the students’ chosen projects.  Students will end their year with a research project as well as a second media unit.  Students in EF7A will choose a topic to write a persuasive essay on and prepare a debate that they will present in class.


The students will be participating in the Comprehension Attitude Strategies Interests (CASI) and other baseline diagnostic testing.  CASI is a reading assessment tool used by the OCDSB to support English teachers with their programming.


Daily Reading:

One of the best ways to improve English skills is to read often and to discuss what you are reading. Good readers are good writers. Reading a variety of books aloud helps improve fluency, spelling, and expands your understanding of the world around you.

Homework Policy:

Students should have some English homework every day.  This homework should include reading, assignments and/or projects.  Students and parents can check what the English homework and other school reminders by looking at the English Blog.  My blog is located at

Home/School Connection

Communication between the home and school is an integral part of the education process.  There are several ways of doing this (i.e. telephone, email, note, student planner and meetings.)  My email address is and the school telephone number is