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Monday, 30 April 2012

April 30th

I wanted today to be the final presentation day for Giver assignments, unfortunately not everyone was ready.  If you are not finished your assignment you need to come see me ASAP.  I will stop accepting Giver assignments on MAY 7th.  At this point you will be given an R and you will be phoning your parents to tell them.

Ms. B

Monday, 23 April 2012

April 23rd

Today we took a break from Final project presentation to write the CASI. 

We will be continuing with the presentations later this week (we will FINISH CASI tomorrow).  Please make sure you are ready to present.

Also, anyone who has not handed in PART 3 please make sure it is handed in this week.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

April 19th

Final assignments for The Giver were due yesterday and PART 3 was due last Friday.  I am missing assignments from students!!!!  Please make sure you are getting those assignments in.

We will be presenting Final assignments this week.

Ms. B

Monday, 16 April 2012

April 16th

Students in EF7A should have handed in the Part 3 questions for the Giver last Friday.  All outstanding assignments are now considered LATE. 

Students should be now working on their Final two assignments. Final assignments are due on Wednesday April 18th. Today EF7A had a double period in the computer lab to finish any of the written work.  Tomorrow students should start bringing the components of their assignments, anything that requires cutting and gluing or colouring.  You will have NO time to work/put final touches on your assignment on Wednesday; this means, no printing, no stapling, no organizing of papers etc.  We will be using the sticks to draw names on Thursday which mean, all students need to be ready to start presentation on Thursday.  If your presentation requires the use of technology please come see me ASAP. 

The students in EF7A are going to an assembly during period 6 on Wednesday, however your assignment is still due, you will need to hand in your assignment before we go to the assembly.

Have a great evening :)

Ms. B

Friday, 13 April 2012

April 13th

Happy Friday!!!

To those 11 students who handed in their part 3 assignment today.  Well done and thank you :)  To other students I would like the assignments either emailed in to me this weekend OR handed in first thing Monday morning. 

Final assignments are due Wednesday April 18th!! Make sure you read over the description of your assignments as well as review the rubrics.  You can find a copy of the description on the assignments on the blog but the rubrics would not attach.  If you have misplaced your rubrics please come see me at recess (i.e. before English class) to get another copy.

Have a great weekend.

Ms. B

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

April 11th

DAY OF PINK!!!!  Good Job Guys :) I was really proud to see so many students wearing pink.

Great job in the computer lab working today.  Since today was such a productive period and you have a lot due in the next couple of are your new due dates.

PART 3 is due Friday April 13th

Final Assignments are due Wednesday April 18th

Ms. B

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

April 10th

Students should be working on Part 3 of the Giver.  This section is independent however, I would be happy to discuss the book with anyone at recess.  Part 3 is due on Thursday, April 12th.

Students should also be thinking about and working on their Final Projects.  I had asked students to choose the two projects for today BUT not everyone was ready.  Please select your projects and come see me so that I may photocopy the rubrics for you.

Final projects are due Monday April 16th.

Reminder:  Tomorrow (April 11th) is the day of pink.  Students are encouraged to wear pink to stand up to bullying.  I will be wearing pink and I hope to see lots of students wearing pink as well.


Wednesday, 4 April 2012

April 4th

PART 2 for the Giver is due tomorrow :)

Ms. B