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Monday, 31 October 2011

October 31st

Make sure you are working on your 5 paragraph essays. We will have one more period to work with a peer in class.

I would like them all handed in on Thursday, November 3rd.

Welcome to the English Blog!!

Hello to all the members of EF7A and families!

I have created this blog to act as an online agenda.  Please check in regularly for updates on English and the assigned work.

Given that I am relatively new to blogging, this blog is going to be a work in progress. Please familiarize yourself with the features of our blog and feel free to leave comments or suggestions.


-New blog entries will always appear at the top of the blog. To access older blog posts you can either scroll down or search by month on the right side of the blog.
-Feel free to leave comments attached to any blog post by clicking the "comments" word underneath the entry.


-As always, please e-mail ( or call (613- 731- 4928) if you have any specific questions or concerns.
- Alternatively, if you have a question about a specific assignment or due date, leave a comment on the blog and I can answer the question for everyone!

 Please check back frequently for all the news!